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2018 Beach Bucks Winners!

2018 Beach Bucks Winners!

June 04, 2018

How would you react if someone surprised you at work with $500 cash? Check out some of our winners' reactions!

Congratulations to our 2018 Beach Bucks Winners! Each of these 50 credit union members were randomly selected to win $500 each! 

Alecia Shelton                    Kathleen Bruns

Alexis Harris                       Kelly Duncan

Amanda Stanford               Kimberly Boggs 

Anita Conley                       Linda Cass

Brandon Hubbard-Heitz      Linda Darden 

Carlene West                      Linda Roberts

Carol Pearson                     Lisa Taylor

Cheryl Miller                        Margaret Thurman

Cynthia Daniels                   Marion Keiss

Daniel Ziegenmier               Michael Everett

Darren Crownover               Natalie Posey

David Moore                        Patricia Swafford

Debbie Jackson                   Quincy Harris

Debbie Price                        Randy Young

Deborah Henry                    Ranita Glenn

Deborah McGowan              Rebecca Green

Delilah Richardson               Roderick Morton

James Cunningham             Shamia Strickland

Jean Trohanis                      Shirley Kilgore

Jennifer Wilson                    Stephanie Cramer

John High III                         Steven Scott II

Joseph Patterson                 Susan McCarter

Joyce Perdue                       Taran Penland

Julia Houston                       Terri Rodriguez

Kari Ingle                              Vicki Jackson

Congratulations to all of our winners! If you didn't win, remember that Christmas Cash is coming up in December! 

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