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Back to School with CASFCU!

Back to School with CASFCU!

August 18, 2023

It’s time for school! Start the new school year with back-to-school options from your credit union.

Open a Savings Account

One of the most important lessons you can teach your child is the value of saving money. A savings account is a great tool to help your kid understand this concept. By depositing money into the account on a regular basis and watching it grow, your child will learn the importance of setting money aside for the future.

Auto Loan

If you have an older teenager who's buying their first car or who you trust to make regular payments, consider co-signing on a loan with them. When children co-sign on a loan, they are responsible for making payments. While this teaches accountability and responsibility, it can be risky for parents, so make sure you trust your child to be responsible before moving forward. At CASFCU, loans are available on new and used cars, or we can refinance an existing loan.

Personal Loan

A personal loan is designed to help you meet your upcoming school-related expenses. It can be used for books, dorm room expenses, supplies – anything you need. Make the school year more affordable with some extra cash from your credit union.

Help Your Kids Build Good Financial Habits

No matter the age of your child, we have options available to fit their needs. If you have questions about these options, give us a call or stop by today! We’re always here to support your financial needs.