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Christmas Cash 2021 Winners

Christmas Cash 2021 Winners

December 16, 2021

It's the most jolly time of the year. We're excited to congratulate our Christmas Cash winners, who have each won $500 this year.

April Grubbs
Alise Ballew
Dalet Qualls
Donna Patton
Fallon Peacock
Janet Wright
Janetta Patterson
Jennifer Presley
Karen Cook
Kim Womble
Lois Barker
Luther McDowell
Mark Montgomery, Jr.
Nikishia Burson
Olivia Bautista
Rebekah Gass
Scott Fleming
Stephanie Sansom
Susan Howick
Sydney Harris
Thomas Hodge, Jr.
Thomas Humphrey
Tina Lee
Vanessa Keel
Vicki Taylor

We have already added the $500 to your CASFCU account. Every member has an equal chance to win every summer with Beach Bucks, and every December with Christmas Cash. It pay$ to be a member!